Friday, August 31, 2018

SocBook 1st entry 8/31/18

Anthony Franklin

SOC 403                                                                                                                                                     8/31/18

Sociology and I.

Sociology has been defined as the systematic study of human society. As we began our first week, we have discussed what Sociology is as well as confirming that it follows the same method of all other scientific processes. We discussed how Sociological perspectives can give us many eyes in which to view the world. Using these different perspectives, we are able to see many aspects of society that we can appreciate as well as aspects that need to improve. I appreciate that many traditions make us feel as though we are a part of something bigger than ourselves, giving our lives purpose and meaning. Conversely, there are many traditions that are deep seated in misinformation and can hold back the progress of equality and prosperity for everyone.
We discussed Plato’s Allegory of the prisoners in a cave. In many ways, this is how we all live our lives. Most of the information we take in is through the filter of someone else presenting the information. What we are able to see is not voluntary and during this time we form our world view. Many times, in our lives we are given the opportunity to leave the cave and gain new information but not everyone has the courage to do so.

By using Sociology, we are able to more accurately see the world around us. With this new precision we can then modify our behaviors which will affect our family and friends. As we affect our family and friends it can change our local community. Through small changes we can each change the world for the better.
As a way of improving society in a positive way, I make a point to watch at least one scientific video or read at least one scientific article every day. I hope that my actions will serve as an example for my children by teaching them that they should never stop learning. If they continue learning throughout their lives, then who knows what sort of discoveries or breakthrough they may achieve. It only takes one good idea to change the world.
A way that I make a negative impact on society is by disregarding news and media.  I have not watched the news or read a newspaper for the last two years. Although I have missed out on a great deal of misinformation and wow factor stories, I have also missed out on many important issues. After only the first week of class, I feel as though I should start to reintegrate journalism and news back into my daily routine.
Society has a way of focusing on people’s differences and not their similarities. This focus tends to divide us and drive us apart. We must be aware that we are different and know that this is not always a negative thing. We must celebrate our differences and be thankful for our diversity and variation. Ultimately it is our differences that is responsible for our survival.
To name a positive thing about society is very short and simple. My neighbors, who are retired were able to look after my children while I was at school today.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

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