Tuesday, October 2, 2018

SocBook 11th entry 10/2/18

Today in class a video was shared from an episode of the Simpsons. In the scene they discussed Kubler-Ross’s 5 stages of death. We also all shared something from our “hands on” project.  It was made clear that all of the theories cover general patterns and can vary from person to person and even from culture to culture.

We covered the last part of Chapter 5. Agents of Socialization. The major influences in our socialization are family, school, peer groups and the mass media. They are all very powerful and family is the post influential. We did watch videos on Harlow’s monkeys and it was clear that love and intimacy are just as important for social development as food and water are for physical development. Lack of love can also impair physical development even if an infant is given plenty of food. All of these basic needs begin with family. The next influence is the school environment. The school reinforces what is being taught by the family. It reinforces gender roles and introduces them to peer groups.  Birds of a feather flock together. We are all judged by the company we keep. Generally, a person wants to be accepted into a group and they will imitate the behaviors of other members in order to be accepted. Many times, the desire to be accepted into a group is stronger than the desire to follow rules. If the group follows the rules, then so will the new member but if the group tends to disregard rules the new member will follow that trend. Mass media is the final factor and it affects all of us. I personally do not watch the news. I tried to last night and found myself furious within 30 minutes.

The above video is a great explanation of how peer pressure works. It describes a scenario that is not so destructive to show how easily we fall to peer pressure. I like that there is data to demonstrate that certain cultures and even our gender may have a correlation as to how likely we are to be influenced by peer pressure.

We covered resocialization with respect to total institutions. Resocialization is to radically alter personality through deliberate control of the environment. Total institutions are settings in which people are isolated from the rest of society and manipulated by an administrative staff. Many societies including our own, tends to focus on the failures of the individual rather than the successes. Society also has a tendency towards negative reinforcement in order to re-socialize. In order for you to re-socialize yourself, you must have a good understanding of what is going on in your life.

Positive I can do – Work had to achieve my goal of becoming a biologist.
Negative I can do – Stop doing homework.
Positive society can do – Work together to save the environment.
Negative society can do – Continue being selfish. Each individual only look for what they can gain.

491 Words

SocBook 11th entry 10/2/18

Today in class a video was shared from an episode of the Simpsons. In the scene they discussed Kubler-Ross’s 5 stages of death. We also all...